5 December 2024, 06:36
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Market and Company News
15.11.2024 12:12 #Trading information

Volume of trades on KASE totaled KZT327.0 trln ($708.2 bn) in January-October 2024

/KASE, November 15, 2024/ – In January-October 2024, the volume of trades on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) in all market sectors totaled KZT327,000.7 bn (equivalent of USD708,167.8 mln) having increased by 0.2 % (decreased by 0.9 % in dollar terms) YoY.

Compared to the previous ten-month period (March-December) of 2023, the trading volume has decreased by 10.0 %.

The table below shows the trades volume (calculated by amounts raised) in 2024 broken down by market sector and comparison with indicators of 2023.

                                     I-X, 2024         I-X, 2023                  Trend
                             ----------------- ----------------- ----------------------
Stock exchange market sector    trades  struc-    trades  struc- in measuring      in %
                                volume ture, %    volume ture, %     currency          
---------------------------- --------- ------- --------- ------- ------------ ---------
bn tenge                                                                               
---------------------------- --------- ------- --------- ------- ------------ ---------
Securities market             11,286.0     3.5   9,829.0     3.0     +1,457.0     +14.8
 Shares                          247.3     0.1     283.8     0.1        -36.6     -12.9
  – primary market                49.5    <0.1      13.8    <0.1        +35.7    +258.8
  – secondary market             197.7     0.1     270.0     0.1        -72.3     -26.8
 KASE Global                      29.5    <0.1      33.0    <0.1         -3.5     -10.7
 Corporate debt securities     3,237.6     1.0   1,865.9     0.6     +1,371.8     +73.5
  – primary market             2,575.7     0.8   1,329.1     0.4     +1,246.6     +93.8
  – secondary market             662.0     0.2     536.8     0.2       +125.1     +23.3
 GS                            7,517.5     2.3   7,416.1     2.3       +101.4      +1.4
  – primary market             5,945.2     1.8   5,079.5     1.6       +865.7     +17.0
  – secondary market           1,572.3     0.5   2,336.6     0.7       -764.3     -32.7
 IFO bonds                       242.2     0.1     218.1     0.1        +24.2     +11.1
  – primary market               219.3     0.1     172.3     0.1        +47.0     +27.3
  – secondary market              22.9    <0.1      45.8    <0.1        -22.9     -50.0
 Investment fund securities        9.6    <0.1      10.4    <0.1         -0.7      -7.2
 Derivatives                       2.3    <0.1       1.7    <0.1         +0.6     +33.9
Foreign currency market       30,253.5     9.3  24,384.2     7.5     +5,869.3     +24.1
 US dollar                    21,609.6     6.6  14,793.2     4.5     +6,816.5     +46.1
 Russian ruble                 4,299.0     1.3   1,347.3     0.4     +2,951.7    +219.1
 Chinese yuan                    423.8     0.1     260.7     0.1       +163.1     +62.6
 Euro                            390.9     0.1     393.1     0.1         -2.2      -0.6
 Euro–US dollar                  926.7     0.3   6,513.7     2.0     -5,587.0     -85.8
 US dollar–yuan                2,597.4     0.8   1,076.2     0.3     +1,521.2    +141.3
 Euro–yuan                         6.0    <0.1         –       –         +6.0         x
Money market                 285,461.2    87.3 291,956.8    89.5     -6,495.5      -2.2
 Repo transactions           220,797.8    67.5 242,300.1    74.3    -21,502.3      -8.9
  – "nego" repo with GS            0.2    <0.1       2.5    <0.1         -2.4     -93.9
  – auto repo with GS        161,728.9    49.5 193,381.6    59.3    -31,652.7     -16.4
  – "nego" repo with CS          131.7    <0.1      50.3    <0.1        +81.4    +161.8
  – auto repo with CS         58,893.5    18.0  48,864.2    15.0    +10,029.3     +20.5
  – "nego" repo with GCC             –       –         –       –            0         x
  – auto repo with GCC            43.5    <0.1       1.5    <0.1        +42.1  +2,889.6
 Currency swap transactions   64,663.4    19.8  49,656.6    15.2    +15,006.8     +30.2
  – in US dollar              63,912.1    19.5  49,229.8    15.1    +14,682.3     +29.8
  – in euro                      244.1     0.1       0.7    <0.1       +243.5 +36,205.6
  – in ruble                     473.1     0.1     426.2     0.1        +46.9     +11.0
  – in yuan                        0.7    <0.1         –       –         +0.7         x
  – in euro-US dollar             33.5    <0.1         –       –        +33.5         x
Derivatives market                <0.1    <0.1      29.4    <0.1        -29.4    -100.0
 Futures                          <0.1    <0.1      29.4    <0.1        -29.4    -100.0
---------------------------- --------- ------- --------- ------- ------------ ---------
TOTAL                        327,000.7   100.0 326,199.4   100.0       +801.3      +0.2
---------------------------- --------- ------- --------- ------- ------------ ---------
in mln US dollars                                                                      
---------------------------- --------- ------- --------- ------- ------------ ---------
Securities market             24,496.6     3.5  21,710.1     3.0     +2,786.5     +12.8
 Shares                          537.5     0.1     621.7     0.1        -84.3     -13.6
  – primary market               110.5    <0.1      28.9    <0.1        +81.7    +282.9
  – secondary market             427.0     0.1     592.9     0.1       -165.9     -28.0
  – KASE Global                   63.3    <0.1      73.1    <0.1         -9.8     -13.4
 Corporate debt securities     6,988.2     1.0   4,108.5     0.6     +2,879.8     +70.1 
  – primary market             5,579.0     0.8   2,930.3     0.4     +2,648.6     +90.4
  – secondary market           1,409.3     0.2   1,178.1     0.2       +231.1     +19.6
 GS                           16,350.7     2.3  16,398.5     2.3        -47.8      -0.3
  – primary market            12,930.5     1.8  11,253.1     1.6     +1,677.4     +14.9
  – secondary market           3,420.2     0.5   5,145.4     0.7     -1,725.2     -33.5
 IFO bonds                       530.9     0.1     481.9     0.1        +49.0     +10.2
  – primary market               481.9     0.1     380.4     0.1       +101.5     +26.7
  – secondary market              49.1    <0.1     101.5    <0.1        -52.4     -51.7
 Investment trust securities      21.0    <0.1      22.7    <0.1         -1.6      -7.1
 Derivatives                       4.9    <0.1       3.7    <0.1         +1.2     +32.0
Foreign currency market       65,239.6     9.2  53,592.2     7.5    +11,647.4     +21.7
 US dollar                    46,735.7     6.6  32,478.5     4.5    +14,257.2     +43.9
 Russian ruble                 9,122.7     1.3   2,957.0     0.4     +6,165.7    +208.5
 Chinese yuan                    905.9     0.1     572.8     0.1       +333.1     +58.2
 Euro                            830.6     0.1     865.9     0.1        -35.3      -4.1
 Euro-US dollar                1,976.4     0.3  14,370.1     2.0    -12,393.7     -86.2
 US dollar-yuan                5,655.4     0.8   2,347.9     0.3     +3,307.5    +140.9
 Euro-yuan                        12.9    <0.1         –       –        +12.9         x
Money market                 618,431.7    87.3 639,568.9    89.5    -21,137.2      -3.3
 Repo transactions           478,127.8    67.5 530,996.4    74.3    -52,868.6     -10.0
  – "nego" repo with GS            0.3    <0.1       5.6    <0.1         -5.3     -94.1
  – auto repo with GS        349,587.3    49.4 423,885.6    59.3    -74,298.3     -17.5
  – "nego" repo with CS          282.7    <0.1     110.6    <0.1       +172.1    +155.5
  – auto repo with CS        128,167.0    18.1 106,991.3    15.0    +21,175.7     +19.8
  – "nego" repo with GCC             –       –         –       –            0         x
  – auto repo with GCC            90.4    <0.1       3.2    <0.1        +87.2  +2,704.0
 Currency swap transactions  140,303.9    19.8 108,572.5    15.2    +31,731.4     +29.2
  – in US dollar             138,676.3    19.6 107,633.1    15.1    +31,043.2     +28.8
  – in euro                      518.3     0.1       1.4    <0.1       +516.9 +35,934.4
  – in ruble                   1,038.6     0.1     938.0     0.1       +100.6     +10.7
  – in yuan                        1.4    <0.1         –       –         +1.4         x
  – in euro-US dollar             69.3    <0.1         –       –        +69.3         x
Derivatives market                <0.1    <0.1      64.6    <0.1        -64.6    -100.0
 Futures                          <0.1    <0.1      64.6    <0.1        -64.6    -100.0
---------------------------- --------- ------- --------- ------- ------------ ---------
Total trading volume         708,167.8   100.0 714,935.8   100.0     -6,767.9      -0.9

Notes to table: GS – government serial securities; IFO – international financialorganizations; CS – corporate serial securities; "nego" repo – repo transactionscarried out by "direct" method (with conclusion of direct opening and closingrepo deals); auto repo – repo transactions carried out automatically; 'n/t' –no trade held.

Trade volume is calculated on all executed stock exchange deals, concluded by any possible trading method used at KASE.
