5 December 2024, 06:44
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Market and Company News
16.10.2024 12:40 #Trading information

Volume of trades on KASE totaled KZT290.8 trln ($633.7 bn) in January-September 2024

/KASE, October 16, 2024/ – In January-September 2024, the volume of trades on Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) in all market sectors made up KZT290,833.7 bn (equivalent of USD633,721.1 mln) having increased by 2.6 % (by 1.4 % in dollar terms) YoY.

Compared to the previous nine-month period (April-December) of 2023, the trading volume has decreased by 14.3 %.

The table below shows the trades volume (calculated by amounts raised) in 2024 broken down by market sector and comparison with indicators of 2023.

                                       I-IX, 2024           I-IX, 2023                   trend
                             -------------------- -------------------- -----------------------
Stock exchange market sector     trade structure,     trade structure, in measuring       in %
                                volume          %    volume          %     currency           
---------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----------
bn tenge                                                                                      
---------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----------
Securities market             10,421.5        3.6   9,238.7        3.3     +1,182.8      +12.8
 Shares                          229.1        0.1     256.6        0.1        -27.5      -10.7
  – primary market                49.5       <0.1       0.1       <0.1        +49.4  +34,069.7
  – secondary market             179.6        0.1     256.5        0.1        -76.8      -30.0
  – KASE Global                   25.7       <0.1      30.0       <0.1         -4.2      -14.1
 Corporate debt securities     3,107.9        1.1   1,777.5        0.6     +1,330.4      +74.8
  – primary market             2,512.3        0.9   1,308.8        0.5     +1,203.5      +92.0
  – secondary market             595.7        0.2     468.7        0.2       +127.0      +27.1
 GS                            6,805.5        2.3   6,959.2        2.5       -153.8       -2.2
  – primary market             5,352.1        1.8   4,895.9        1.7       +456.2       +9.3
  – secondary market           1,453.3        0.5   2,063.3        0.7       -610.0      -29.6
 IFO bonds                       241.9        0.1     205.8        0.1        +36.2      +17.6
  – primary market               219.3        0.1     162.4        0.1        +56.9      +35.0
  – secondary market              22.6       <0.1      43.3       <0.1        -20.7      -47.8
 Investment fund securities        9.3       <0.1       8.1       <0.1         +1.2      +14.5
 Derivatives                       2.0       <0.1       1.6       <0.1         +0.4      +27.6
Foreign currency market       25,543.7        8.8  22,373.1        7.9     +3,170.6      +14.2
 US dollar                    18,461.7        6.3  13,157.1        4.6     +5,304.6      +40.3
 Russian ruble                 3,148.2        1.1   1,196.1        0.4     +1,952.1     +163.2
 Chinese yuan                    362.4        0.1     240.6        0.1       +121.8      +50.6
 Euro                            286.3        0.1     362.7        0.1        -76.3      -21.0
 Euro-US dollar                  729.1        0.3   6,436.0        2.3     -5,706.9      -88.7
 US dollar-yuan                2,549.9        0.9     980.6        0.3     +1,569.3     +160.0
 Euro-yuan                         6.0       <0.1         –          –         +6.0          x
Money market                 254,868.6       87.6 251,722.5       88.8     +3,146.1       +1.2
 Repo transactions           197,087.0       67.8 209,731.9       74.0    -12,645.0       -6.0
  – "nego" repo with GS            0.1       <0.1       2.3       <0.1         -2.3      -97.4
  – auto repo with GS        143,041.5       49.2 168,270.5       59.4    -25,229.0      -15.0
  – "nego" repo with CS          124.5       <0.1      45.0       <0.1        +79.5     +176.5
  – auto repo with CS         53,896.6       18.5  41,412.6       14.6    +12,484.0      +30.1
  – "nego" repo with GCC             –          –         –          –            0          x
  – auto repo with GCC            24.3       <0.1       1.5       <0.1        +22.9   +1,571.3
 Currency swap transactions   57,781.6       19.9  41,990.6       14.8    +15,791.0      +37.6
  – in US dollar              57,070.9       19.6  41,574.3       14.7    +15,496.6      +37.3
  – in euro                      237.4        0.1       0.2       <0.1       +237.1 +101,330.1
  – in ruble                     458.9        0.2     416.0        0.1        +42.9      +10.3
  – in yuan                        0.7       <0.1         –          –         +0.7          x
  – in euro-US dollar             13.7       <0.1         –          –        +13.7          x
Derivatives market                <0.1       <0.1      29.4       <0.1        -29.4     -100.0
 Futures                          <0.1       <0.1      29.4       <0.1        -29.4     -100.0
---------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----------
TOTAL                        290,833.7      100.0 283,363.7      100.0     +7,470.0       +2.6
---------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----------
in mln US dollar                                                                              
---------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----------
Securities market             22,711.7        3.6  20,473.7        3.3     +2,238.0      +10.9
 Shares                          500.2        0.1     564.7        0.1        -64.5      -11.4
  – primary market               110.5       <0.1       0.3       <0.1       +110.2  +35,175.5
  – secondary market             389.7        0.1     564.4        0.1       -174.7      -31.0
  – KASE Global                   55.6       <0.1      66.7       <0.1        -11.1      -16.7
 Corporate debt securities     6,721.9        1.1   3,923.3        0.6     +2,798.6      +71.3
  – primary market             5,448.9        0.9   2,887.8        0.5     +2,561.0      +88.7
  – secondary market           1,273.0        0.2   1,035.4        0.2       +237.5      +22.9
 GS                           14,879.2        2.3  15,441.6        2.5       -562.5       -3.6
  – primary market            11,703.4        1.8  10,868.7        1.7       +834.7       +7.7
  – secondary market           3,175.8        0.5   4,573.0        0.7     -1,397.2      -30.6
 IFO bonds                       530.3        0.1     456.1        0.1        +74.2      +16.3
  – primary market               481.9        0.1     359.8        0.1       +122.1      +33.9
  – secondary market              48.4       <0.1      96.4       <0.1        -47.9      -49.7
 Investment trust securities      20.3       <0.1      17.8       <0.1         +2.4      +13.6
 Derivatives                       4.3       <0.1       3.4       <0.1         +0.9      +26.1
Foreign currency market       55,548.0        8.8  49,369.7        7.9     +6,178.3      +12.5
 US dollar                    40,259.1        6.4  29,043.0        4.6    +11,216.1      +38.6
 Russian ruble                 6,753.0        1.1   2,639.9        0.4     +4,113.1     +155.8
 Chinese yuan                    779.5        0.1     530.5        0.1       +249.1      +47.0
 Euro                            615.0        0.1     802.2        0.1       -187.2      -23.3
 Euro-US dollar                1,570.3        0.2  14,207.2        2.3    -12,636.9      -88.9
 US dollar-yuan                5,558.1        0.9   2,146.9        0.3     +3,411.2     +158.9
 Euro-yuan                        12.9       <0.1         –          –        +12.9          x
Money market                 555,461.4       87.7 555,157.6       88.8       +303.8       +0.1
 Repo transactions           429,314.3       67.7 462,665.6       74.0    -33,351.3       -7.2
  – "nego" repo with GS            0.1       <0.1       5.2       <0.1         -5.0      -97.4
  – auto repo with GS        311,115.4       49.1 371,202.6       59.4    -60,087.2      -16.2
  – "nego" repo with CS          268.0       <0.1      99.6       <0.1       +168.4     +169.2
  – auto repo with CS        117,879.8       18.6  91,355.1       14.6    +26,524.7      +29.0
  – "nego" repo with GCC             –          –         –          –            0          x
  – auto repo with GCC            51.0       <0.1       3.2       <0.1        +47.8   +1,481.4
 Currency swap transactions  126,147.1       19.9  92,492.0       14.8    +33,655.1      +36.4
  – in US dollar             124,603.2       19.7  91,574.9       14.7    +33,028.3      +36.1
  – in euro                      504.5        0.1       0.5       <0.1       +504.0  +96,927.0
  – in ruble                   1,009.3        0.2     916.6        0.1        +92.7      +10.1
  – in yuan                        1.4       <0.1         –          –         +1.4          x
  – in euro-US dollar             28.7       <0.1         –          –        +28.7          x
Derivatives market                <0.1       <0.1      64.6       <0.1        -64.6     -100.0
 Futures                          <0.1       <0.1      64.6       <0.1        -64.6     -100.0
---------------------------- --------- ---------- --------- ---------- ------------ ----------
TOTAL                        633,721.1      100.0 625,065.6      100.0     +8,655.5       +1.4

Notes to table: GS – government serial securities; IFO – international financialorganizations; CS – corporate serial securities; "nego" repo – repo transactionscarried out by "direct" method (with conclusion of direct opening and closingrepo deals); auto repo – repo transactions carried out automatically; 'n/t' –no trade held.

Trade volume is calculated on all executed exchange deals, concluded by any possible KASE trade method.
